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our care

Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) has recognised the very high level of care at Sutherland Day Nursery and made the below comments on our practice:

'Children are supported by kind, caring and thoughtful staff. They have strong

attachments to the staff and enjoy being in their company'.

‘The staff team gives a high priority to children's safety and well-being. Staff are very vigilant in their supervision of children, while at the same time allowing them the freedom to explore their environment safely.’

'The support that leaders and managers provide to ensure staff are highly skilled and well supported is exemplary. Managers have a clear vision for the setting, and have developed a learning culture among staff. As a result, the quality of education is strong and improving.'

'Leaders and managers have a clear understanding of what the children need to learn, and staff are skilled at implementing this.'

‘Staff plan a careful balance of group activities and free exploration sessions to ensure children have time and freedom to become deeply involved in their play’.

‘The key person system works extremely effectively to ensure the assessment and recording of children's progress and the identification of children's specific needs are comprehensive.‘

‘The quality of teaching is excellent. The provider and staff skillfully promote children's understanding and skills, inspiring them to explore, be imaginative and with confidence and joy to take on new challenges.'

'Staff have high expectations for all children. Leaders and managers review children's progress and support staff to think carefully about how best to support their learning. They work together with parents and other professionals to provide tailor-made interventions to help children develop the skills they need.'

‘Staff receive excellent support from management for their professional development through extremely effective teamwork, communication and monitoring of the provision, to improve teaching, learning and drive continuous improvement.’

‘Staff do much to encourage older children to be independent in their play.’

'Staff are interested in what children have to say, and support them to think through challenges and consider how to tackle them.'

‘All children, including babies, are gaining skills for the next stage of their learning.’

‘Regular assessments enable staff to build on children’s progress and development.’

‘Staff promote children's communication and language skills very successfully, so children engage in meaningful conversations with both adults and friends.’

‘Partnership with parents and carers is one of many strengths.’

‘Children are cared for in a warm and welcoming environment where excellent hygiene practices are followed by all staff.’

‘Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe.’

‘All staff have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.’

‘Management demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of their responsibilities to meet the learning and development and safeguarding and welfare requirements.’

‘The nursery team strives continuously to maintain very high standards through the dedication of the staff, who are united in driving improvement. Consequently, this has an exceedingly positive effect on all the children’s progress.’

The highest standards of education and care have only been possible to achieve thanks to the utter dedication and commitment of our well qualified and experienced staff. Among our members we have NVQ 2, 3, foundation degree qualified and a number of QTS teachers. A few staff members have been with the nursery for 13-14 years and some who might have left in the past have come back in appreciation of the rewarding, friendly, professional and supportive working environment within our nursery. Parents’ testimonials and recommendations posted on social media and recognized sites speak for themselves. Strong partnerships have been developed with parents who recognise the very high quality of care offered by Sutherland Day Nursery.

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