The app was designed to make daily reporting of children easier and more time efficient so nursery staff could do what is most important and spend valuable time with the children and not caught up in paperwork. Not to mention the saving of the trees!
The app provides you with an insight into your child’s day, particularly vital during the first few weeks whilst the child is settling. It tells you about:
- pictures and observations of activities they have taken part in
- the food they have eaten
- any sleeps
- nappy changes they have had
It allows you as parents to comment, message the nursery directly with any queries you may have, upload home observations or notify us of time away from the nursery. We upload termly development reports onto your child’s profile whilst preparing for parents’ evenings during which you will meet with your child’s key worker to discuss their development and next steps, speak to the Principal and socialise with other parents in a relaxed atmosphere.
The app has many other great features to offer and parents and staff have loved using it. Having dramatically improved the communication with parents, we also thoroughly enjoy seeing our parents being so much more involved in every child’s nursery life!