daily routine
The daily routine is very important for children, parents and the staff. However, we firmly believe that in order to provide more individualised care and higher quality one-to-one interaction, we need to have systems in place allowing us to respond to children's requirements, showing flexibility and understanding. Naturally, children's physical needs in relation to feeding, sleeping, nappy changing, etc. have an impact on the routine, and careful planning of the learning and play activities around them is very necessary.
We work closely with parents so that we can enhance our understanding of every child's home environment and try to simulate it as closely as possible. We feel in this way we can support each child's development personally and effectively.
When your child joins the nursery, you will be provided with more information on the daily routine and kept updated through our interactive software about menus, sleeping and eating patterns, nappy changes as well as all the lovely interactive activities. You may be interested in your child joining additional activities such as dance & movement, language lessons or drama. When a baby first joins us in Kangaroos' or Tiggers' room, we work closely with you to mirror your routine from home during the settling period. Older children in our Rabbits' and Owls' rooms in particular learn about their daily routine in more detail and have a visual timetable to help them understand what happens when. We also use 'now and next' boards.